This Introduction to DAX for Power BI presents Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) in Power BI from an intermediate to an advanced level. The journey starts with an introductory discussion about DAX, the syntax of DAX statements, and how to write structured DAX in the DAX editor. You also get an introduction to DAX Studio, a third-party tool that can be used to write DAX. You can decide if you want to use DAX Studio for the course exercises.
We will discuss many of the functions in DAX and how they could be used in a Power BI Project including explaining the use of iterator functions vs standard statistical functions. There are discussions explaining Calculated Columns, Tables, and Measures discussing the differences. There is also an explanation about Quick Measures and how we can utilize those. We will explain DAX Context and where those contexts apply. There are separate discussions for the CALCULATE function, the usage of a Data Model and incorporating a Date Dimension, and also using Time Intelligence Functions. We will conclude with a discussion around utilizing DAX with Row Level Security.
Introduction to DAX for Power BI Delivery Methods
Introduction to DAX for Power BI Course Benefits
Structure DAX with Power BI and DAX Studio
Extract business intelligence by using DAX
Add value with measures, calculated columns and calculated tables using DAX
Utilize the different types of Dax functions
Appreciate DAX context and where it applies
Understand the use of a Data Model and how to extend it
Create a Star and/or Snowflake schema as your data model
Add a Date dimension to your model
Implement Row Level security with DAX
Develop a Star Schema from a Flat File Schema
Decide when to use M in Power Query or DAX in Power BI
Leverage continued support with after-course one-on-one instructor coaching and computing sandbox
This course has been designed specifically for experienced model developers. We recommend that attendees have prior experience working with Power BI Desktop to create data models.
Exam Information
Learning Tree Exam provided at the end of class
Chapter 1: Introduction to DAX
In this module, you will learn:
What is DAX?
DAX Functions
Calculated Columns and Tables
Quick Measures and Measures
DAX Context
Writing DAX in Power BI
Hands-On Exercise 1.1: Introduction to DAX
In this module, you will learn:
Understand the role of the Data Model in Power BI
Describe the components of a Data Model
What are Star and Snowflake schemas?
Fact and Dimension tables
How to build a Data Model from multiple Data sources
Why create a Date Dimension?
Hands-On Exercise 2.1: Working with a Data Model
In this module, you will learn:
Writing DAX with DAX Studio
Formatting DAX with DAX Formatter
Summarizing and Aggregating functions
Working with Joins
Filtering with DAX
Other useful Dax Functions
Hands-on Exercise 3.1 Working with DAX Functions – Part 1
Describe the power behind the CALCULATE function
Add filters with the CALCULATE function
Ignore filters with the CALCULATE function
Update filters with the CALCULATE function
Describe Time Intelligence and the Time Intelligence functions
Hands-On Exercise 3.2 Working with DAX Functions – Part 2
In this module, you will learn:
What is Row Level Security (RLS)
Useful DAX functions for RLS
Defining Roles for RLS
Crating DAX Rules for RLS
Managing Security and working with Members
Exercise 4.1 Implementing Row Level Security
In this module, you will learn:
Overview of M in Power Query
When to use M or DAX
Get This Course
$1,610For Team Prices Call: 888-843-8733
2-day instructor-led training course
Hands-on labs included
End-of-course Learning Tree exam included
After-course coaching available
After-course computing sandbox
Guaranteed to Run - you can rest assured that the class will not be cancelled.
Mar 18 - 199:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Apr 14 - 159:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Ottawa or Virtual
May 29 - 309:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Herndon, VA or Virtual
Jul 21 - 229:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Ottawa or Virtual
Aug 25 - 269:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Herndon, VA or Virtual
2-day instructor-led training course
Hands-on labs included
End-of-course Learning Tree exam included
After-course coaching available
After-course computing sandbox
Guaranteed to Run - you can rest assured that the class will not be cancelled.
DAX is an acronym for Data Analysis Expressions. DAX is a functional programming language that consists of a collection of functions, operators, and constants that can be used in a formula, or expression, to calculate and return one or more values. DAX enables you to extract information from the data already in your model.
DAX consists of over 200 functions and these functions are split into categories. It is the combination of these functions that enables you to return insightful information from your data model. One example is the use of the Time Intelligence functions that enable you to calculate period comparisons quickly and effortlessly such as Previous Month, Previous Quarter, or Previous Year.
No, all software and licenses are supplied as part of the Training Course which also means you are not affecting your organization's Power BI Infrastructure. All Reports will be created in the Training System which is an implementation of a live system. The course virtual machine is available to you for a period after the course has finished.