Project Management Courses
Learning Tree offers project management training courses for IT professionals and experienced PMs to enhance their skills and obtain certification, which is crucial for managing complex projects effectively.
Learning Tree
In this business case course, you learn how to analyze, create & communicate a successful business case to meet your organization's unique needs.
Business case, creating a business case, analyzing a business case, communicating a business case, success, approval, desired outcomes, evaluation criteria, costs, benefits, decision-making, effective business case, business case training, maximize chance for approval, comprehensive business case, maximize approval chances, bisness case, businness case, business cese
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,675 -
Learning Tree
Bring this 1-day Stakeholder Engagement course to your team & teach them to work with stakeholders in multidimensional capacities throughout projects.
Stakeholder engagement, stakeholder management, stakeholder analysis, multidimensional stakeholder, stakeholder training, effective stakeholder training, stakeholder list development, stakeholder goal setting, stakeholder objective setting, stakeholder evaluation, private team training, team training, tailored content, comprehensive course materials, equipment setup and teardown, travel costs, instructor travel, convenient location. Stakeholder engagment, stakeholder managment, multidimentional stakehoder, stakeholder trainig, effective stakeholer training, stakeholer list developement, stakeholer goal setting, stakeholder objecive setting, stakeholer evaluation, pirvate team trainig, team trainig, conveenient location, equipment set-up, travel cots, instrctor travel.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn how to write user requirements in this Developing User Requirements training through an immersive, simulated case study. Attend in-class or online.
Developing User Requirements Training, user requirements, requirements development process, elicitation meetings, well-formed user requirements, validating user requirements, managing changes, stakeholders, resources, practical skills, user requirements document, completing a user requirements project, process mapping methodology, user requirments, requirments devolopment process, elicitation mettings, stake holdres.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Attend this foundation course & start preparing for the ECBA, CCBA & CBAP exams with this interactive deep dive into the IIBA BABOK v3 Guide.
IIBA, Business Analysis, Body of Knowledge, BABOK, Certification, Training, ECBA, CCBA, CBAP, exams, knowledge areas, tasks, techniques, practice exam, preparations. IIBBA, Buisness Analysis, Body of Knowlege, BABOOK, Certifcation, Trainning, EBCA, CBA, CAPP, exmas, knowlege areas, taks, techniqes, practce exam, preperations.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day follow-on course & prep to pass the IIBA exam and achieve your Certification of Capability in Business Analysis (CCBA) certification.
ECBA, CCBA, CBAP, IIBA exam, certification, BABOK guide, knowledge area, task, output, technique, test-taking tips, exam preparation, subject matter expert, practice questions, professional development, application process, real case studies. ECBATM, BABOQ, knowlege area, tahsk, outpot, technic, exampreparation, profesionnal development.
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day follow-on course & prep to pass the IIBA exam and achieve your Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) certification.
IIBA, CBAP, certification, exam prep, test-taking strategies, shortcuts, case study questions, BABOK Guide version 3, knowledge areas, techniques, elements, output, professional development, training, ECBA, CCBA, SME, BA job situations, application process, sit the exam. IBA, CBA, CBAB, BABOK Guide, CBAP, Certified Business Analysis Professional, IIBA, CCBA, BABOK, Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, ECBA, SME, exam prep, test-taking strategies, case studies, knowledge areas, techniques, output, elements, application process, professional development training, practise questions, sit the exam, success, job situations, Amazon, CBAB, IIBAA, BABOK Guide, ECBA certification, CCBA certification, CBAB certification. CBAP, Certified Business Analysis Professional, IIBA, CCBA, BABOK, Guide till Business Analysis Body of Knowledge, ECBA, SME, examenförberedelse, testtagningsstrategier, fallstudier, kunskapsområden, tekniker, output, element, ansökningsprocess, professionell utvecklingsträning, övningsfrågor, genomföra examen, framgång, jobbsituationer, Amazon, stavfel CBAB, IIBAA, BABOK Guide, ECBA-certifiering, CCBA-certifiering, CBAB-certifiering.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
In this Introduction to Business Analysis course, you will learn how to apply a core business analysis framework through interactive workshops.
business analysis, training course, industry best practices, IIBA, BCS, project management, business needs analysis, stakeholder requirements, business analysis techniques, key problems, potential opportunities, enterprise, effective requirements, communication plans, analytical competencies, specifying requirements, core business analysis framework, interactive workshops, successful projects, requirements analysis, requirements gathering, requirements planning, requirements management, requirements engineering, requirements documentation, business process improvement, process analysis. business analyses, traning, busines anlysis, busines analyisis, project manegment, stakeholder requerements, communicaion plans, process analisis.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
In this Business Process Improvement course, you will learn the core BPI skills to design & execute process change & learn how to apply a BPI Framework.
Business Process Improvement, BPI, leverage, business strategy, improvement, tools, problem areas, measure performance, validate change, process models, step-by-step, framework, organization, efficiency, productivity, Busineess Process Improvment, BIP, leevrage, buisness stratagy, improvment, toolz, problem ares, mesure performace, valiadate chanje, proces modelz, stpe-by-stpe, framewor, organzation, effiency, producivity.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
This business analysis modeling course will help you fulfill your role as a BA on business & software projects through an immersive, simulated case study.
Business Modeling, Enterprise Architectures, Business Cases, Business Requirements, Software Requirements, Analysis, Modeling Techniques, Business Process Model and Notation, BPMN, UML Diagrams, Enterprise Structure, Business Objects, Business Workflow Busines Modeling Enterpise Architectures Busienss Cases Busienss Requirments Softwere Requirments Analisys Modelling Techniques BPM notation UML Diagramms Enterprize Structure Busines Objeckts Busines Woflows
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
This strategic business analyst course explores the BA activities needed to analyze business situations & understand business problems & opportunities.
Strategic Business Analyst, Business challenges, Business opportunities, Investigative skills, Organization, Competencies, Current business needs, Strategic goals, Business analysis, Business strategy, Data analysis, Market research, SWOT analysis, Gap analysis, Business intelligence, Business planning, Financial analysis, Risk analysis, Requirements gathering, Business processes, Business modeling, Project management, Stakeholder management, Misalignment, Business alignment, Business transformation, Strategic planning, Strategic implementation, Business optimization, Business performance, Performance metrics, Business metrics, Key performance indicators KPIs , Business decision-making, Business impact, Business value, ROI, Business growth, Business expansion, Competitive analysis, Market trends, Industry trends, Technology trends, Regulations, Compliance, Legal constraints, Economic factors, Political factors, Social factors, Environmental factors, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, SWOT, Trends analysis, Cost-benefit analysis, Feasibility analysis, Resource analysis, Project feasibility, Market feasibility, Technical feasibility, Operational feasibility, Organizational feasibility, Strategic feasibility, Product development, Service development, Innovation, Business innovation, Mis-spellings Busines anlyst, Bussiness analysts, Stratagic busness analyst, Business analist, Buisness enalyst, Busoness anlisyt, Stragetic Busness Analasyst
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
APMG International™
Master AgileBA exam skills, Agile techniques, and enhance business analysis for effective project alignment in this 5-day training.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
Learning Tree
In this Business Analyst Soft Skills course you will enhance your people skills, your effectiveness in developing solutions & communication strategies.
Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation, Mis-spellings Busness Analyst, Soft Skils, Traning, Interecting, Effectivly, Harmoniousely, Stakholders, Tem Members, Succes, Specifc Skils, Behaviors, Attitdes, Impct, Anlysis Activites, Enchance, Key Influncer, Proejcts, Organiztion. Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation, Mis-spellings Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation. Behavioural Skills, Attitude Training, Project Management, Collaboration Skills, Negotiation Skills, Leadership Training, Conflict Resolution, Time Management, Decision Making, Miscommunication, , Business Analysis Techniques, Business Analysis Tools Affärsanalytikerutbildning, mjuka färdigheter, kommunikationsfärdigheter, mellanmänskliga färdigheter, teamhantering, intressenthantering, påverkansfärdigheter, beteendefärdigheter, attitydträning, projektledning, samarbetsfärdigheter, förhandlingsfärdigheter, ledarskapsutbildning, konfliktlösning, tidsstyrning, beslutsfattande, missförstånd, stavfel, affärsanalystekniker, affärsanalysverktyg.
Foundation3 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on FAC-P/PM FPM 121 course, you will participate with a team in crafting & communicating solutions to simulated project management challenges.
FPM 121 training, Acquisition Fundamentals, Project Management, Program Management, Integrated Product Team, hands-on experience, problem-based exercises, FPM 120, entry-level certification, FAC-P/PM, FPM121, Project Mangement, Program Mangement, FPM120
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,559 -
Learning Tree
Learn to develop a plan applications in project program management in this FAC-P/PM FPM 232 course. Plus, work towards FAC-P/PM Mid-Level certification.
FPM 231, project management, program management, software engineering, requirements development, traceability methods, testing, system validation, FAC-P/PM, government program managers, Integrated Master Plan, certification, Mid-Level certification, training, Federal Acquisition Institute, complex programs, management plan. FPM231 project managment program managment software engeneering requirments development traceability methids FAC-PM/PM Integrated Masterplan certifcation Mid-Level certifcation traininge Federal Acqusition Institute compleks programs managment plan
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,559 -
Learning Tree
Get certified in FAC-P/PM Mid-Level & learn to manage complex gov't projects & contracts in FPM 232 course.
FAC-P/PM, FPM 232, training course, acquisition management, government projects, contracts, solicitation, selection, administration processes, performance-based service agreements, certification, Federal Acquisition Institute, strategy, mission needs, requirements, technology development, complex projects, managing, FAC-P/PM Mid-Level, Learning Tree, verified, FACP/PM, FPM232, aquisition, adminstration, performace-based, certifcation.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,090 -
Learning Tree
Learn to conduct cost estimation, fund projects & validate baselines in this FAC-P/PM FPM 233 course. Plus, work towards FAC-P/PM Mid-Level certification.
federal budget, appropriations, Total Life Cycle Systems Management, OMB A-11 processes, transparency, accountability, fiscal discipline, performance, program cost estimation, multiyear projects, program baselines, FAC-P/PM Mid-Level certification, Learning Tree, FAC-P/PM training, Federal Acquisition Institute, federel budget, apropiations, total life cycle systems managment, om a-11 processes, transparancy, acountability, fiscal descipline, preformance, program cost estimashun, multi-yeer projects, program baseline, FAC-P/PM mid-level sertification, Lerning Tree, FAC-P/PM traning, Federal Acquistion Institue.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,090 -
Learning Tree
Attend this FAC-P/PM FPM 234 course & learn the leadership skills to conduct effective negotiations & build the right teams with the project leadership model.
training, course, leadership, project teams, program teams, government acquisition, negotiations, project leadership model, FAC-P/PM, FAC-P/PM training, Federal Acquisition Institute, success, applied leadership, programs, build teams, effective negotiations, conduct negotiations, leadership skills, Learning Tree, verified, fully verified, FAI, leadership training, project management, team building, leadership development, acquisition training, program management, project success, government projects, project leadership, team leadership, negotiation skills, team management, leadership development training, leadership course, program leadership, project planning, project execution, team communication, project coordination, project delivery, project implementation, project organization, project oversight, project performance, project planning and management, project scheduling, project supervision, program coordination, program development, program implementation, program oversight, program performance, program planning, program scheduling, program supervision, government leadership, government training, government programs, government projects, government acquisition training, government program management, government project management. traning cource leardership project teemprogram teemgoverment aquisition negosiationproject leardership model FAC-P/PM traning FAC-P/PM Federal Aquisition Institute sucsesapllied leadership prgrambild teamefective negosiationconduct negosiationleardership skilLerning Tree verfied fully verfied FAI leardership traning project managment team bilding leardership developement aquisition traning program managment project sucsesgoverment projectproject leardership team leardership negosiation skilteam managment leardership developement traning leardership cource program leardership project planing project execution team comunication project coordination project delivary project implimentation project orginization project oversite project performence project planing and managment project scheduling project supervison program coordination program developement program implimentation program oversite program performence program planing program scheduling program supervison goverment leardership goverment traning goverment programs
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,740 -
Learning Tree
Learn to develop, evaluate & critique an Integrated Master Plan & Schedule with our FAC-P/PM FPM 331 course. Verified by FAI.
training, program management, integrated master plan, systems engineering, integrated master schedule, development, coordination, evaluation, critique, FAC-P/PM, certification, government projects, Federal Acquisition Institute, FAI, oversee, skills, case study, large-scale, progressive concepts, FPM 331, Learning Tree, traning, progam managment, intergrated master plan, sysytems engineering, intergrated master schedual, developement, coordnation, evalution, critque, FAC-P/PM, certifcation, goverment projcts, Federal Aquisition Institute, FAI, overse, skils, case studie, large-sclae, progressiv concepts, FPM331, Lerning Tree.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Learn to evaluate complex acquisition projects, including requirements, concept, technology & contract documentation in this FAC-P/PM FPM 332 course.
training, progressive contracting strategies, programs, acquisitions, business requirements, user requirements, concept development, performance-based contracts, FAC-P/PM, complex acquisition projects, technology, contract documentation, senior-level certification, Learning Tree, Federal Acquisition Institute, traning, progessive contracting, progams, aquisitions, busines requirements, user requirments, concept developement, performnce-based contracts, FAC-P/PM, complex aquisition projects, tecnology, contract documntation, senior-level certifcation, Lerning Tree, Federal Aquisition Institute.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Enroll now to gain the skills to develop, oversee & evaluate an EVM program in this FAC-P/PM Progressive Business, Cost & Financial Management course
FAC-P/PM, certification training, Earned Value Management, risk management, planning, programming, budgeting, Federal Acquisition Institute, comprehensive management, integrated management, tools, techniques, practical skills, evaluate, critique, successful projects, cost management, financial management, business management, project management, coordination, oversight, best practices, training course, verified, Learning Tree, EVM course, FAC-PM, FAC-P/MP, Earned Value Managment, bugeting, managment.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Gain the the leadership skills to build strong relationships & leverage the strengths of others to attain organizational goals in this FAC-P/PM FPM 334 course.
training, program management, leadership, skills, government programs, strategic missions, FAC-P/PM, certification, Senior-Level, Learning Tree, Federal Acquisition Institute, FAC-P/PM training, leadership traits, relationships, organizational goals, high-visibility, large-scale, traning, progam management, leardership, skils, goverment programs, stragetic missions, FAC-P/PM, sertification, Senior-Lavel, Lerning Tree, Federal Aquisition Institute, FAC-P/PM traning, leardership traits, relashionships, organazational goals, high-visibilty, large-sacle.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Master AI strategies for project management with our course. Unlock AI's potential in workflows, strategy, and innovation for project success.
AI in project management, Generative AI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Microsoft’s Copilot, AI strategies, project management workflows, prompt engineering, AI-generated content, AI ethical considerations, AI future trends, AI applications in projects, AI prompting techniques, AI output optimization, AI challenges, AI job risks, AI creativity in projects, AI empathy in communication, AI course for beginners, AI real-world examples, AI project management use cases, AI i projektledning, Generativ AI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Bing Chat, AI-strategier, arbetsflöden för projektledning, framställning av prompts, AI-genererat innehåll, etiska överväganden inom AI, AI:s framtida trender, AI-applikationer i projekt, tekniker för AI-promptning, optimering av AI-output, utmaningar med AI, jobbrisker med AI, AIs kreativitet i projekt, AIs empati i kommunikation, AI-kurs för nybörjare, AI i verkliga exempel, användningsfall för AI i projektledning.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Learn how to apply Generative AI models in PM scenarios with AI for Project Managers On-Demand. Explore Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Microsoft’s Copilot.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from $199 -
Learning Tree
This Project Management Office (PMO) training course will teach you to improve project consistency, efficiency & effectiveness in a multi-project environment.
Project Management Office, PMO, training course, skills, competencies, structure, analyze, portfolio, project success, governance model, lessons learned, standardize, methodologies, processes, templates, centralization, standardization, project oversight, organization, alignment, portfolio management, maturity, continuous improvement, proejct mnagmeent, offcie, standadization, methdologies, proceses.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
This Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® course covers the terms & definitions of the PMBOK Guide & prepares you to pass the CAPM exam.
CAPM, Certified Associate in Project Management, PMBOK, exam prep, training course, PMI, certification, project management career, terminology, tools, techniques, PDUs, practice exam questions, Learning Tree, PMBOK Guide, Project Management Institute, credentials, project management effectiveness, CAM, CAPN, CAMP, CAAPM, Certified Associate in Project Menagment
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Learn complex project management in this intensive real-world project scenario training course for project success. Attend in-class or online.
Complex Project Management Training, project management, project scenario training course, assess projects, communicate projects, manage projects, project success, project failure, tool set, essential influencers, deep understanding, projct management, projetc management, compex project management, complx project managment, projec managment, project managemnt.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Boost project success with our Delivering Business Value Workshop - learn strategic alignment and value management.
Delivering Business Value Workshop, Project Management Professional Certificate, Strategic Project Planning, Benefits Realization, Value Management, Online Training, In-Person Training, Project Vision Development, Project Development Methodology, Value Measurement Program, Project Compliance, Project Success Criteria, Benefits Realization Management Plan, Predictive vs Adaptive Methodologies, Project KPIs, Project Metrics Monitoring, Leverera affärsvärde workshop, Projektledning professionellt certifikat, Strategisk projektplanering, Fördelsrealisering, Värdehantering, Onlineutbildning, Utbildning på plats, Utveckling av projektvision, Projektutvecklingsmetodik, Program för mätning av värde, Projektöverensstämmelse, Kriterier för projektsuccé, Plan för hantering av fördelsrealisering, Prediktiva vs adaptiva metoder, Projekt KPI:er, Övervakning av projektmetriker, Delivring Busines Vlaue Wrokshop, Projct Managment Profesional Certifcate, Stratgic Projet Plannin, Benfits Realsiation, Vlaue Managment, Onlie Trainin, In-Prson Trainng, Projcet Visoin Developmnt, Projct Develpoment Methodolgy, Vlaue Measuremnt Progam, Projet Complance, Proejct Sucses Criteria, Benfits Realiztion Managemnt Pln, Predictve vs Adptive Methodlogies, Projct KPIs, Projct Metrcs Monitring
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn the fundamentals in Learning Tree's introduction to project management training course. Master scheduling, budgeting, risk management & more.
pm, Project management, project leadership, project planning, project coordination, project execution, project monitoring, project control, project team, project case study, project simulation, project success, project skills, project knowledge, project beginning, project end, project experience, project fundamentals, project training projekt management, projct managment, proyect management, project managment, project mamangement, project mangement, project maangement, project managment training, projekt training, projct training, project trainning
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Master key project skills with our 'Power Skills in Project Management' course: lead effectively, communicate better, and boost team success.
Power Skills in Project Management, Project Leadership, Effective Communication, Team Empowerment, Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Resolution, Stakeholder Management, Decision Making, Leadership Frameworks, VUCA in Projects, Project Uncertainty, Agile Leadership, Goal Alignment, Influencing Skills, Bias Management, Groupthink Avoidance, Accountability in Teams, Projektledningsfärdigheter, Projektledarskap, Effektiv kommunikation, Teamstärkning, Emotionell intelligens, Konfliktlösning, Intressenthantering, Beslutsfattande, Ledarskapsramverk, VUCA i projekt, Ovisshet i projekt, Agilt ledarskap, Måljustering, Påverkansförmåga, Förvaltning av fördomar, Undvikande av grupptänkande, Ansvar i team, Powar Skilz in Projeckt Manegement, Progect Leedership, Efektive Comunicashion, Teem Empouerment, Emoshunal Intelijence, Conflickt Rezolution, Stakeholdar Manegement, Desision Makin, Leedership Framewerks, VUCA in Progects, Progect Uncertenty, Ajeel Leedership, Goel Alygnment, Influensing Skilz, Byas Manegment, Groopthink Avoydance, Accountabilty in Teems
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Prepare for and pass PRINCE2 exams with our training course. Gain knowledge for Foundation and Practitioner certification.
PRINCE2® 6th Edition Foundation & Practitioner Certification Training, PRINCE2, project management, certification, training, foundation, practitioner, exams, principles, best practices, initiating, managing, model, preparation, success, pass, knowledge, skills, techniques, methodology, approach. PRINCE 2 Prince II Printce2 Prence2 Princetoo Prince 2nd edition, PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, project management, certification training, foundation, practitioner, exam preparation, process model, principles, best practices, project initiation, project management using PRINCE2 PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, project management, certification training, foundation, practitioner, exam preparation, process model, principles, best practices, project initiation, project management using PRINCE2, PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, Prince2, Prince 2, project management, certification, training, foundation, practitioner, exams, process model, principles, best practices, initiating, managing, projects PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, Prince2, Prince 2, projektledning, certifiering, utbildning, grundläggande, utövare, tentor, processmodell, principer, bästa praxis, initiering, hantering, projekt.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,455 -
Learning Tree
In this Program Management Training course, you will learn how to develop a business case and align program requirements with organizational objectives.
program management, training, course, best practices, business case, align, requirements, organizational objectives, execute, roadmap, governance framework, manage, stakeholders, program roadmap, program governance, program stakeholders, organizational requirements, program execution, program alignment, program development, program stakeholders management, program governance framework, program management training course. program managment, trainning, best practises, organisational, road map, governance framwork, stake holders
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
The Project Management Professional® (PMP) certification training will help you prepare for the PMP Certification exam plus sharpen your skills and knowledge.
pm, project management, project manager, project planning, project control, project organization, project administration, PMP, PMI, project certification, project training, project skills, project success, project completion, project competitiveness, project profession, PMP exam, PMP preparation, PMP course, PMP training, PMP skills, PMP competitiveness, PMP profession, incorrectly spelled proect management, proyect management, prodject management, project managment, project managment professional, PMP certification training, PMP training certification, PMP exam certification, PMP certification exam, PMP project management, PMP course training, PM certification training
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
Learning Tree
Master real-world projects with our 2-day Project Management Simulation Workshop. Practical skills, no prerequisites, earn a certificate.
Project Management Simulation Workshop, Modern Project Management Program, capstone course, real-world scenarios, strategic decision-making, project execution, practical experience, project challenges, theory and practice, professional certificate program, project management concepts, complex project solutions, leadership skills, resource management, program advisor, instructor coaching, learning assessment, Learning Tree certificate, training prerequisites, Agile frameworks, project governance, project plan execution, team problem-solving, leadership dynamics, vendor management, project disruption, baseline resetting, lessons learned, Projektledningssimuleringsworkshop, Modernt Projektledningsprogram, avslutningskurs, verkliga scenarier, strategiskt beslutsfattande, projektgenomförande, praktisk erfarenhet, projektutmaningar, teori och praktik, professionellt certifikatprogram, projektledningskoncept, lösningar på komplexa projekt, ledarskapsfärdigheter, resurshantering, programrådgivare, instruktörscoaching, inlärningsbedömning, Learning Tree-certifikat, förutsättningar för utbildning, Agile-ramverk, projektstyrning, genomförande av projektplan, problemlösning i team, ledarskapsdynamik, leverantörshantering, projektstörning, återställning av baslinjer, lärdomar, Projekt Managemant Simulashion Workshop, Modren Progect Managament Progrm, capsotne corse, rela-world senarios, stratejic decison-makng, proejct eecution, practcal experince, projct chalenges, theoy and prcatice, profesional certficate progrm, project managment concpets, compex project solutons, leaership skils, resorce managemnt, progam advsor, instuctor coahcing, lerning assesment, Lerning Tre certficate, trainig prerequistes, Agil framewrks, projct govrenance, projet plan eecution, team problm-solving, leaership dynmics, vendor managment, projct disrupion, basline reseting, lesons lerned
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn risk management skills for project success. Identify & analyze project risk. Create risk management plan, determine mitigations, & contingencies.
risk management, risk analysis, project risk, risk mitigation, risk management plan, qualitative risk analysis, time contingency, cost contingency, risk training, project management, risk identification, risk measurement, risk scale, operation risk, contingency plan, contingency measures, potential risk, risk assessment, risk avoidance, risk recognition, project success, program management, operational risk, quantify risk, create risk management plan, guide risk management decisions, determine risk mitigation, time contingency, cost contingency, risk mitigation planning, risk management decision making, risk quantification, project risk management, risk-management, project risk analysis, operational risk management, risk identification plan, project contingencies, risk management program, program risk management, identification of project risk, quantitative risk analysis, qualitative risk assessment, contingency planning, contingency management, potential risks management, contingency analysis, contingency planning measures, risk mitigation strategies, project execution plan, managing project risk, managing operational risk, managing program risk, managing project risk management. risk managment, risk managament, risk managemen, risk mangement, risk menagement, project ris, project risck, risk managment plan, contingency meassures, cost contingancy, time contingancy, qualitative risk analisys, contingency plannig, mitigatio strategies, risk identfication.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
In this Software Project Management course, you will learn the basics of software development project management under the Waterfall and Agile methodologies.
Software project management, project management, software development, agile methodology, waterfall methodology, software project planning, project scheduling, software project budgeting, project communication, project team management, project risk management, project quality management, project stakeholder management Sofware project management Project managment Agile mthodology Waterfal methodology
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Get Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certified in 2 days. Learn essential tools for process improvement and efficiency. No prerequisites required.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Master Lean Six Sigma Black Belt with our 10-day certification. Enhance your skills in Six Sigma, Lean principles, and process control.
AdvancedMulti-WeekTeam Training -
Master Lean Six Sigma Green Belt in 5 days. Enhance process improvement skills and earn IASSC certification. Enroll now!
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
Learning Tree
Master project management with our on-demand course. Learn essential skills, stakeholder engagement, and risk management in 8 hours.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from $495 -
Learning Tree
Enhance your project leadership skills with our 3-day course. Learn to drive efficiency, productivity, and value through expert-led lectures and practical exercises.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Prepare for PRINCE2® Agile Foundation & Practitioner certification with expert training to excel in agile project management.
Advanced5 daysTeam Training -
Prepare for your certification exam and learn to combine the flexibility and responsiveness of Agile with the effective governance and control of PRINCE2.
PRINCE2, Agile, certification, governance, control, flexibility, responsiveness, management, delivery, exam questions, workshops, overnight study, success, environment, combine, achieve, focused, experience, prepare, practitioner, certified, course, training, methodology, project management, framework, hybrid, strategy, techniques, tools PRINCEII, AGILE, sertification, goverance, controll, fleksibility, responciveness, managment, delivry, exam queshtions, worksh0ps, overnite study, trainer, sretified, metodology, projet, framewrk, hybrd, stratgy, teqniqes, t00ls
Advanced3 daysTeam Training -
Through practice exams and overnight study, you gain the knowledge and skills required to take the PRINCE2 Foundation Exam.
PRINCE2, project management, method, standardized, best-practice approach, practice exams, workshops, certification training, knowledge, prepare, Foundation, exam, PRINCE 2, Prince II, Prince 2, Project Managment, PRINCE2, project management, certification training, practice exams, workshops, best-practice approach, standardised method, proven method, project scale, project type, organisation, geography, culture, exam preparation, overnight study, widely-used method, PRINCE 2, PRINCEII, PRINCE 2nd edition. PRINCE2, projektledning, certifieringsutbildning, övningsprov, workshops, bästa praxis-metod, standardiserad metod, beprövad metod, projektomfattning, projekttyp, organisation, geografi, kultur, examensförberedelse, övernattande studier, mycket använd metod, stavfel PRINCE 2, PRINCEII, PRINCE 2 a upplagan.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,490 -
Get prepped for the PRINCE2 Practitioner exam in this 2-day course. Includes the exam, pre-course study guide, and after-course coaching.
PRINCE2, practitioner, certification, training, manage, projects, processes, knowledge, exam, scope, establish, leading, method, preparation, size, end, beginning, PRINCE, prince2, practicioner, sertification, traning, manag, projcts, proceses, knowlege, exm, scop, establsh, methd, preperation, siz, en, begining. PRINCE2, practitioner, certification, training, manage, projects, processes, knowledge, exam, scope, establish, leading, method, preparation, size, end, beginning, PRINCE, prince2, practitioner, certification, training, manage, projects, processes, knowledge, exam, scope, establish, method, preparation, size, end, beginning., PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, project management, process management, certification training, practitioner, exam preparation, leading method, project establishment, project scope, project size, project management certification. PRINCE2, PRINCE 2, projektledning, processhantering, certifieringsutbildning, utövare, examensförberedelse, ledande metod, projektetablering, projektomfattning, projektstorlek, projektledningscertifiering.
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Attain PRINCE2 Agile Foundation certification with our comprehensive training. Learn to blend PRINCE2 and Agile methodologies for successful project management.
PRINCE2 Agile, PRINCE2, Agile, certification course, exam, compatibility, skills, processes, projects, customers, fast-paced, rapidly changing, business environments, flexibility, responsiveness, framework, control, governance, practice exam questions, workshops, overnight study, knowledge, principles, fundamentals, agile project management solution. PRINCE 2, Agile certification, PRINCE2Agile, PRINCE2Agile Foundation, PRINCE 2 Agile, PRINCE2Agile certification, PRINCE2Agile Foundation certification, agile project management, agile project management solutions.
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
This Management of Portfolios (MoP) Foundation and Practitioner certification course helps you invest in the right change initiatives and implement them effectively.
This Management of Portfolios (MoP) certification course helps you invest in the right change initiatives and implement them effectively. MoP Foundation and Practitioner Certification helps organisations answer a fundamental question: “Are we sure this investment is right for us and how will it contribute to our strategic objectives?” MoP achieves this by ensuring that: • The programmes and projects undertaken are prioritised in terms of their contribution to the organisation’s strategic objectives and overall level of risk. • Programmes and projects are managed consistently to ensure efficient and effective delivery. • Benefits realisation is maximised to provide the greatest return (in terms of strategic contribution and efficiency savings) from the investment made. MoP is structured around five flexible principles within which the two cycles and the 12 portfolio management practices exist. While portfolio management will be more effective where robust programme and project management (PPM) exists, this is not a prerequisite for its successful implementation.
Advanced4 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Master project management with Learning Tree’s certificate program—gain essential skills, innovative strategies, and leadership expertise.
Project Manager, Professional Certificate, Learning Tree, Agile Methodology, Project Leadership, Business Acumen, Strategy, Integrated Learning Model, Assessment, Training, Coaching, Collaboration, Real-World Practice, Foundational Skills, Communication, Innovation, Leadership, Action-Based Hybrid Program, Deep Understanding, Program Coach, Training Advisors, Career Potential, Projektledare, Professionellt Certifikat, Learning Tree, Agil Metodik, Projektledarskap, Affärsmässig Skicklighet, Strategi, Integrerad Lärmodell, Utvärdering, Utbildning, Coaching, Samarbete, Verklig Världsträning, Grundläggande Färdigheter, Kommunikation, Innovation, Ledarskap, Åtgärdsbaserat Hybridprogram, Djup Förståelse, Programcoach, Utbildningsrådgivare, Karriärpotential
FoundationMulti-Week -
Learning Tree
Master project management from start to finish with our on-demand training. No prerequisites, ideal for beginners.
Navigational Keywords: OnDemand, On-Demand, On-Demand Delivery Methods, Training Information, Course Benefits, Tailored for Beginners, Real-world Applications, Course Objectives, Training Prerequisites, Training Outline, Project Management: The Basics, Initiating a Project, Planning the Project, Developing the Project Schedule, Resourcing the Project and Leading the Team, Baselining the Plan, Executing the Plan, Closing the Project, Enterprise Solutions, Clear Objectives, Strategic Project Plans, Stakeholder Engagement, Work Breakdown Structures, Project Scheduling Techniques, Execution, Resourcing Teams, Risk Management, Monitoring Progress, Communication, Project Management Concepts, Project Management Processes, Business Cases, Charters, Estimation, Task Sequencing, Risk Registers, Contingency Plans, Change Control, Project Health Check, Plan Approval, Monitoring and Controlling, Corrective Action, Communicating Project Status, Lessons Learned, Project Closure, Beskrivning, On-Demand Leveransmetoder, Utbildningsinformation, Kursfördelar, Anpassad för Nybörjare, Verkliga Tillämpningar, Kursmål, Förkunskapskrav, Utbildningsöversikt, Projektledning: Grunden, Initiera ett Projekt, Planera Projektet, Utveckla Projektschemat, Resursera Projektet och Leda Teamet, Grundlägga Planen, Genomföra Planen, Avsluta Projektet, Företagslösningar, Klara Mål, Strategiska Projektplaner, Intressentengagemang, Arbetsnedbrytningsstrukturer, Tekniker för Projektschemaläggning, Genomförande, Resurssättning av Team, Riskhantering, Övervaka Framsteg, Kommunikation, Projektledningskoncept, Projektledningsprocesser, Affärsfall, Stadgar, Uppskattning, Sekvensering av Uppgifter, Riskregister, Kontingensplaner, Ändringskontroll, Projekthälsokontroll, Planens Godkännande, Övervaka och Kontrollera, Korrektiva Åtgärder, Kommunicera Projektstatus, Lärdomar, Projektavslutning, what is project management, introduction to project management training, project management skills, project management training course, master project management, associate in project management, project management approaches, project management basics, project management fundamentals training, project management processes, project management tools, project management software, successful projects, initiating planning, planning executing, project management professional pmp, agile methodologies, complex project, gantt chart, skill set, quality management, degree programs, kanban boards, project management role, executing projects, stakeholder management, teams working, management professional pmp certification, manage team, manage risks,
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from $495