Duke CE Training Courses
Learning Tree's Duke CE Advanced Leadership courses are designed to help professionals enhance their leadership skills in areas such as strategic thinking, stakeholder engagement, crisis management, virtual team leadership, and innovation. These courses deliver practical tools and strategies to empower leaders to inspire their teams, drive innovation, and achieve exceptional results in today’s dynamic workplace.
Duke CE Advanced Leadership Program | Duke CE Advanced Leadership for Government
Learning Tree
In this Business & Report Writing course, you will learn to develop effective writing skills that convey a credible message & project a professional image.
business writing, report writing, contract proposals, business plans, executive summaries, recommendation reports, internal communications, workplace writing, professional communication, English language proficiency, English grammar, Microsoft Word. bisness writing, repot writing, contract propozals, buisness plans, execitive summaries, recomendation reports, internal communication, workplace writting, profesionnal communication, English langage proficiency, Engish grammer, Microsoft Word.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
This Finance for Nonfinancial Managers course transforms financial & accounting concepts into practical decision-making tools for the non-financial manager.
finance, accounting, training, nonfinancial managers, budget management, profits, financial performance, decision-making tools, four-function calculator, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, finnance, acounting, non-finnancial, budget managment, proffits, finacial performance, dicision-making, four function calculator, addittion, subtraction, multiplication, devision.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
In this Technical Writing Course, you will learn how to plan, write & edit technical documents, identify target audiences, and convey content to readers.
technical writing, technical documents, plan, write, edit, target audience, document formats, visuals, graphics, complicated content, communicate, techical writing, technical writting, techinical writing, techinical writting
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Learn public speaking & presentation skills, boost confidence, & connect with your audience in our training course with feedback.
public speaking, presentation skills, speeches, presentations, communication, speaking with confidence, public speaking training, how to present, audience engagement, speech writing, effective presentations, public speaking course, public speaking classes, improve public speaking, presentation training, develop public speaking skills, effective communication, overcome stage fright, build confidence, rapport with audience, personalized feedback, speech delivery, public speaking coaching, speech coaching, public speaking workshops, public speaking seminars, public speaking tips, public speaking techniques, speech training, presentation coaching, presentation techniques, communication skills, public speaking mastery, public speaking practice, public speaking techniques, improve presentation skills, overcome fear of public speaking, develop presentation skills, charismatic speaking, effective public speaking, deliver compelling speeches, speech development, public speaking resources, public speaking masterclass, public speaking tricks, impeccable public speaking, authentic public speaking pubic speaking, presentation skillz, prezentation, spiking, speesh, publik speaking, presentashun, publique speaking, public speeking, presentashin, speeking.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
In this IT management course, you will gain the skills to manage an IT environment, learn to lead with vision, and motivate and empower with passion.
IT management, IT team management, IT leadership, IT delegation, progress tracking, feedback sharing, time management, communication skills, non-technical communication, IT training, IT skills training, team empowerment, task management, team productivity, IT project management, team development, IT career development, IT coaching, technical leadership, team collaboration, management techniques, performance management, IT staff management, skill development, IT workforce development, non-technical skills, IT coaching and mentoring, IT management coaching, IT management mentoring IT managment IT manegement IT managment training IT teammanagment IT team management training IT leadership skills training IT deligation progress tracking feedbak sharing timemanagemetn non-technical communication skills IT skillls training team empowermant IT project managment team develpment IT carear development technical leadship managemetn techniques perofrmance management IT staf managment workforce developmant IT coaching and mentorng IT management coachng IT managemnet menotring
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
APMG International™
Gain APMG Change Management certifications with our course. Learn to manage change, work with stakeholders, and understand how people deal with change.
Certificate in Change Management, APMG CM Training, change management, Change Management Foundation, Change Management Practitioner, skills, knowledge, organization, people, stakeholders, change initiative, change managment, apmg change management, certificate in change managment, changemanagement, certificate in changemanagement, Certificate in Change Management, APMG CM™ Training, skills, knowledge, APMG Change Management Foundation, Practitioner certifications, manage change, organisation, different people, deal with change, stakeholders, change initiative, Certifcate, Chnage, Managment, APM CM Training, APMG Change Mnagement, Practisioner. Certifikat i förändringshantering, APMG CM™-utbildning, färdigheter, kunskap, APMG Change Management Foundation, Practitioner-certifieringar, hantera förändring, organisation, olika människor, hantera förändring, intressenter, förändringsinitiativ, stavfel Certifcate, Chnage, Managment, APM CM-utbildning, APMG Change Mnagement, Practisioner.
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,455 -
Learning Tree
In this Management Skills Training course, you will learn the fundamental management skills and leadership competencies.
Management skills, Leadership competencies, Motivate, Empower, Passion, Communication, Delegate, Customer-focused, Leadership abilities, Emotional intelligence, Manager skills, Managment skills, Leader competencies, Motivation, Empowerment, Clear delegation, Customer service, Proactive leadership, Emotional quotient, EQ
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
In this Strategic Thinking course, you gain the practical skills to effectively integrate strategic thinking with daily operations & meet stakeholder needs.
Strategic Thinking, Operational Management, Planning, Implementation, Change, Stakeholder Needs, Innovation, Core Competencies, Leadership Skills, Integration, Daily Operations, Training, Course, Department Goals, Strategic Vision, Mission, Aligning, Value, Experience, 290, 906, Mis-spellings Stragetic, Operashunal, Planing, Implimentashun, Chang, Stakeholder Needz, Inovashun, Leedership Skils, Integrayshun, Traning, Cours, Depertment Goals, Stragetic Vizhun, Missun, Alinging, Valyu
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Develop 21st-century leadership skills to inspire excellence and foster engagement. Unlock your full leadership potential with our comprehensive training.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Develop your leadership voice for impact. Learn effective communication, strategic planning, and inspiring change in this course.
leadership training course, authentic leadership voice, communication style, presentation skills, engaging, inspiring, motivating, behaviors, techniques, presence, impact, developing, leadership development, leader training, communication training, presentation training, inspiring others, motivating others, leadership traits, leadership skills, effective leadership, communication techniques, presence training, impact training, develop leadership voice, authentic voice, liderchip, training cours, presentashun skills, inspireing, motivaiting
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Transform your leadership skills in Duke's program. Learn to navigate today's complex work environments with new approaches.
navigate, navigation, complex, complexity, approach, diagnose, respond, interactive, environment, situation, leadership, transformational, technical, course, certificate, Duke CE, navagate, navagation, compleksity, approch, diagnos, respondant, intereactive, enviorment, sittuation, leadreship, transfprmational, techanical.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,195 -
Learning Tree
Duke Corporate Ed's Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in translating org strategy & executing own work's strategies.
translate, Duke CE, Certificate Course, technical leaders, mindset, strategic, executing, organizational strategy, architecting, strategies, strategic frame of reference, alignment, operations, people, implementation, desired results, Duk CE, sertificate, teknikal, mndset, strategik, exucuting, orgnizational, archtecting, stratgies, stragegic, refernce, alingment, oprations, pepole, implimentation, desrired, resluts.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,195 -
Learning Tree
Learning Tree International's Duke CE Advanced Leadership Program has 6 courses that train you to lead effectively.
Thriving, Dynamic Change, Certificate Course, Technology, Relentless, Overwhelming, Improvement, Execution, Results, Approaches, Frameworks, Disruption, Managed, Opportunity, Growth, Performance, Experience, Affects, Practice, Lead, Teams, Organization, , s
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,195 -
Learning Tree
Join the Duke CE Advanced Leadership Program for Elevating Team Impact course. Learn how to lead a cohesive team with hands-on activities.
Elevating Team Impact, team leadership, collaborative team, teamwork, team boundaries, team results, organizational strategy, hands-on activities, cohesive team, successful team, deploying collaborative techniques, aligned results, strategic expectations, working in teams, Duke CE certificate course. Elevating Teem Impact, tem leadership, colaborative team, teamwrok, tam bounderies, tem results, organisational strategy, hands-on activites, cohisive team, deployng collaborative techniques, alignd results, stratgic expectatons, woorking in team, Duke CE certifcate couser.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,195 -
Learning Tree
Bring this 1-day Stakeholder Engagement course to your team & teach them to work with stakeholders in multidimensional capacities throughout projects.
Stakeholder engagement, stakeholder management, stakeholder analysis, multidimensional stakeholder, stakeholder training, effective stakeholder training, stakeholder list development, stakeholder goal setting, stakeholder objective setting, stakeholder evaluation, private team training, team training, tailored content, comprehensive course materials, equipment setup and teardown, travel costs, instructor travel, convenient location. Stakeholder engagment, stakeholder managment, multidimentional stakehoder, stakeholder trainig, effective stakeholer training, stakeholer list developement, stakeholer goal setting, stakeholder objecive setting, stakeholer evaluation, pirvate team trainig, team trainig, conveenient location, equipment set-up, travel cots, instrctor travel.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn customer-centered design from framing to implementation. Discover, frame, and drive successful innovation efforts for sustainable value.
Duke CE Certificate Program, innovation, technical leader, customer-centered approach, initiating, developing, deploying, design process, framing, implementation, successful innovation, sustainable value, breakthrough innovation, driving innovation, innovating, US, Driving Breakthrough Innovation, innovation efforts, execution fails, customer-centered solutions. innvovation, tachnical leader, cusotmer-centered, initiatiing, depolying, framming, implamentation, sucessful innovation, sustainible value, driving innvoation, innivating.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,195 -
Learning Tree
Learn to collaborate & influence without direct authority in this Duke CE Advanced Leadership Program course. Engage in agility drills to produce solutions quickly.
Collaboration, influence, agility, teamwork, cross-functional, authority, permission, communication, collaboration skills, solution producing, problem-solving, decision-making, teamwork skills, leadership skills, influencing skills, influencing techniques, effective collaboration, productive collaboration, collaborative decision-making, cross-team collaboration collabaration, colloboration, infuence, influance, collabrative, collaboritive, autority, permmision, communciation, decsision-making
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,195 -
Learning Tree
Improve your workplace communication & leadership skills with our Communication Leadership Training course. Learn to be an effective communicator in 2 days!
communication, leadership, training, clarity, understanding, results, styles, missteps, concepts, frameworks, challenges, techniques, tools, mindset, effective communicator, feedback, facilitation, productive communication, communication skills, communication strategies, communication methods, communication tips, communication training, leadership development, leadership skills, leadership communication, communication coaching, communication workshops, communication seminars, communication courses, productivity, communication improvement, communication effectiveness, communication mastery, communication expertise, communication techniques, productive leadership, effective leadership. commmunication, comunication, leardership, trainning, clairty, understnading, resluts, misstep, concetps, frameowork, chalenges, technqiues, produtive, communcation, comminication, communnication, leadreship, communcation, efective, coomunicator, feedbak, facilitaion, cominication, commnication, communciation.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Unlock the power of data-driven narratives with our Business Storytelling course. Enhance your presentations and communication skills through engaging stories.
Business storytelling, engaging with data, narrative techniques, corporate storytelling, presentation skills, data-driven narratives, berättande för företag, engagera med data, narrativa tekniker, företagsberättelser, presentationsteknik, datadrivna berättelser
IntermediateLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from $849 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in leading teams and organizations through dynamic change.
advanced leadership training, change course, learning tree, course learning objectives, technical leadership program, course name, course outline, change as an opportunity, technology leadership, leadership framework, thriving in dynamic change, senior government leaders, leadership skills, long term, ability to adapt, team members, leadership role, emerging technologies, creating a course, action verb, real time, high level, great course, course design, business leaders, learning experience, course topics, course creators, project management, personal development, real world, course content
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in recognizing, diagnosing, and responding to complexity.
advanced leadership training, learning culture, course learning objectives, complexity course, complexity training, technical leadership program, course outline, course name, technology leadership, Recommended keywords, Enrich your text with these keywords to get better SEO results., problem solving, leadership skills, students learned, long term, team members, learning experiences, knowledge and skills, leadership roles, course content, learning environment, technology leaders, great course, business leaders, practical application, professional development, real world, action verb, course material, digital technology, course design, government
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in translating organizational strategy and executing one's own work strategies.
instructor led, government, training, course name, technical leadership program, course outline, prior leadership experience, technology leadership, organizational strategy, elements of a strategy, problem solving, leadership skills, strategic plan, business leaders, leadership roles, team members, key elements, business strategy, learning objectives, high performance, competitive advantage, subject matter, learning outcomes, technology leaders, digital transformations, cutting edge, action plan, table of contents, work experience, social media
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in recognizing, diagnosing, and responding to complexity.
advanced leadership training, impact course, impact training, course learning objectives, team development, technical leadership program, course name, course outline, problem solving, leadership skills, students learned, long term, stages of team development, cutting edge, knowledge and skill, solve problems, teams work, performing stage, build trust, real world, action verb, high performing team, forming stage, real life, great course, course design, business leader, learning experiences
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in collaboration and influence without authority.
advanced leadership training, course learning objectives, technical leadership program, course name, course outline, technology leadership, leadership framework, prior leadership experience, course title, duke ce, driving breakthrough innovation, govt. leader training, leadership skills, leadership roles, problem solving, long term, team members, learning experience, subject matter, real world, creating a course, leadership development programs, high level, decision makers, great course, course creators, target audience, work experience, professional development, course content, leadership training, action verb
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in initiating developing and deploying innovative solutions.
advanced leadership training, what is an innovation, innovation course, learning tree, innovation training, course learning objectives, types of innovation, define innovation, technical leadership program, course name, driving breakthrough innovation, training for senior government leaders, problem solving, business models, disruptive innovation, competitive advantages, products and services, leadership skills, incremental innovation, online course, innovative strategies, leadership development programs, radical innovation, leadership roles, continuous improvement, innovation management, innovative program, innovative solutions, business model innovation, cutting edge, short term, product development
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Duke Corporate Education Transformational Technical Leadership Program teaches skills in translating org strategy & executing own work strategies.
translate, Duke CE, Certificate Course, technical leaders, mindset, strategic, executing, organizational strategy, architecting, strategies, strategic frame of reference, alignment, operations, people, implementation, desired results, Duk CE, sertificate, teknikal, mndset, strategik, exucuting, orgnizational, archtecting, stratgies, stragegic, refernce, alingment, oprations, pepole, implimentation, desrired, resluts.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree
Empower your leadership journey with our Future Leaders Program, designed to enhance key skills for impactful organizational and personal success.
FoundationMulti-Week -
Learning Tree
Enhance your assertiveness skills and communicate with authority and impact. Gain confidence, influence, and effective communication techniques.
Assertive communication training, assertiveness training, communication skills training, effective communication training, workplace communication training, interpersonal communication training, communication workshop, assertiveness course, assertiveness classes, communication coaching, self-awareness training, behavior pattern training, relationship building, workplace productivity training, conflict resolution training, workplace etiquette training, communication improvement, assertive tone training, communication impact training, communication authority training assertive communication traning, assertivness training, comunication skill training, effectiv communication training, assertvness course, communicaton coaching, self awarness training, behaviour pattern training, work place communication training, assertive training, communcation impact training, assertiveness traning, assesrtive communication skills training.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Master critical thinking & creative problem-solving for corporate problem-solving. Develop left & right-brain thinking, creativity, & outcome-based thinking.
Critical thinking, thinking skills, problem-solving, creative thinking, thinking strategies, thinking techniques, thinking processes, thinking methods, thinking approaches, thinking mindset, thinking habits, thinking ability, left-brain thinking, right-brain thinking, creative problem-solving, organizational problem-solving, corporate problem-solving, cognitive skills, analytical thinking, outcome-based thinking, spur creativity, criticle thinking, creativ thinking, problam solving
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Learn influence strategies for corporate success. Gain commitment, foster collaboration, and achieve results without direct authority.
Influencing, Skills, Training, corporate, environment, gain, commitment, foster, collaboration, achieve, desired, results, direct authority, influence strategies, Influcing, Skillz, Traninng, corperate, envirnment, committment, colaboration, acheive, desiered, resolts
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Learn to leverage your strengths, work with others, and add value to your organization in our Personal Skills course.
Personal skills, training, professional excellence, strengths, talents, challenging situations, organization, behaviors, competencies, purpose, networks, expertise, reputation, optimal results, personel skills, traning, profesionel excellense
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,650 -
Learning Tree
The Time Management Training is a practical 2-day course that teaches you how to manage your time and develop your own personal action plan.
Time Management, Time Management training, develop, purpose, priorities, negative behavior patterns, practical strategies, tools, techniques, skills, professionals, decisions, deadlines, goals, personal action plan, 2-day course, time managment, timemanagement, managment, praticle, stratagies, teqniques, profetionals, deacisions, xercises
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
In this Business Relationship Management course, you learn BRM best practices to facilitate actionable IT solutions that provide value to your business.
Business Relationship Management, BRM, IT, communication, barriers, innovative best practices, business problems, trusted IT adviser, align, needs, IT services, work experience, Busines Relationship Managment, BM, Comunication, IT services
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Learn to apply the 4 core Emotional Intelligence skills to develop self-awareness & leadership. Attend our training course now!
Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Quotient, self-management tools, techniques, strategies, manage emotions, respond to emotions, personal effectiveness, team performance, EQ, Emotional Intelligence Training Emotionnal Intelligence Emotionnal Quotient selfmanage tools techniquies stategies manage emotionns respond to emotionns personnal effectiveness teem performance EQ2.0 Emotionnal Intelligence Trainning
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Improve time-management with proven tools and techniques to make better choices and achieve goals.
time management, time management skills, time management techniques, time management strategies, time management training, time management course, time management program, time management workshop, time management seminar, time management tips, productivity, organization, prioritization, goal-setting, time allocation time managment, time managament, time managament skills, time managment techniques, time managment strategies, time manamgent, time mangement, time mangament, time magement
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Emotional Intelligence also known as EQ, is vital for successful leadership. Start your training in emotional intelligence today.
Emotional intelligence, EQ, leadership, career success, effectiveness, manage emotions, communication, understand, self-improvement, business leadership, professional growth, on-demand, review sessions, emocional intelligence, emotinal intelligence, EQ essentials, leadership skills, career succsess, communicaton, developement.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classBundleStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Build customer relationships with our 1-day Essentials of Customer Service Training course.
customer service, training, customer retention, customer acquisition, techniques, best practices, relationships, foundational knowledge, one-day course, mutually beneficial, outstanding, company, customer base, formal prerequisites, customer servise, costumer service, custmer survice, cstomer service, customer serive, costumer survise, custommer service, customar service, customer servie, customer survise, costomer service, costmoer service, custmoer service
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Learn essential conflict management skills and techniques to resolve disputes effectively. Improve team dynamics and foster a positive work environment.
conflict management, conflict resolution, conflict prevention, emotional triggers, proactive response techniques, cooperation, workplace conflict, damaged relationships, poor productivity, conflict training, conflict essentials, conflict skills, conflict scenarios, conflict environment, conflict identification, conflict response, conflict cooperation, conflict course, conflict productivity, conflict relationships, conflict triggers, constructive conflict, destructive conflict, conflict prevention techniques, conflict resolution training, conflict response techniques, conflict identification skills, conflict cooperation skills, conflict management course, conflict resolution course, workplace conflict management, workplace conflict resolution, conflict management skills, conflict resolution skills, conflict prevention skills, conflict identification techniques, conflict response techniques, conflict cooperation techniques, conflict management scenarios, conflict resolution scenarios, conflict prevention scenarios, conflict identification scenarios, conflict response scenarios, conflict cooperation scenarios, conflict productivity techniques, conflict relationships techniques, conflict triggers techniques, constructive conflict techniques, destructive conflict techniques, conflict prevention training, conflict identification training, conflict response training, conflict cooperation training, conflict essentials training, conflict skills training, workplace conflict training, conflict environment training, conflict productivity training, conflict relationships training, conflict triggers training, constructive conflict training, destructive conflict training. confilct, comflict, conflit, conflict managment, conflict resoultion, conflict preventionn, emmotional triggers, pro-active response techniques, work place conflict, dammaged relationships, poor productivty, conflict trainning, conflict essentails, conflict scenerios, conflict envirnoment, conflict idnetification, conflict reponse, conflict co-operation, conflict cource, conflict productivty, conflict relashionships, conflict trigers, constructive confilct, destrutive conflict, conflict prevention techneiques, conflict resoultion trainning, conflict reponse techneiques, conflict idnetification skills, conflict co-operation skills, conflict managment cource, conflict resoultion cource, work place conflict managment, work place conflict resoultion, conflict managment skills, conflict resoultion skills, conflict preventionn skills, conflict idnetification techneiques, conflict reponse techneiques, conflict co-operation techneiques, conflict managment scenerios, conflict resoultion scenerios, conflict preventionn scenerios, conflict idnetification scenerios, conflict reponse scenerios, conflict co-operation scenerios, conflict productivty techneiques, conflict relash
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
In this Business Analyst Soft Skills course you will enhance your people skills, your effectiveness in developing solutions & communication strategies.
Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation, Mis-spellings Busness Analyst, Soft Skils, Traning, Interecting, Effectivly, Harmoniousely, Stakholders, Tem Members, Succes, Specifc Skils, Behaviors, Attitdes, Impct, Anlysis Activites, Enchance, Key Influncer, Proejcts, Organiztion. Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation, Mis-spellings Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation. Behavioural Skills, Attitude Training, Project Management, Collaboration Skills, Negotiation Skills, Leadership Training, Conflict Resolution, Time Management, Decision Making, Miscommunication, , Business Analysis Techniques, Business Analysis Tools Affärsanalytikerutbildning, mjuka färdigheter, kommunikationsfärdigheter, mellanmänskliga färdigheter, teamhantering, intressenthantering, påverkansfärdigheter, beteendefärdigheter, attitydträning, projektledning, samarbetsfärdigheter, förhandlingsfärdigheter, ledarskapsutbildning, konfliktlösning, tidsstyrning, beslutsfattande, missförstånd, stavfel, affärsanalystekniker, affärsanalysverktyg.
Foundation3 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
This Splitting User Stories course provides Agile team members with the skills to create effective user stories through immersive work on a case study.
Splitting User Stories, Agile team members, user stories, backlogs, Agile concepts, Scrum, product owners, product managers, business analysts, Scrum Masters, Agile coaches, Agile Development, programmers, testers, Spliting User Stories, User Storis, Agile tem members, Agile cncepts, Scrm, produce owners, produce managers, bsiness analysts, Scrum Msters, Aglie coaches, Agiel Development, programers, testors.
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training